Wednesday, May 18, 2011

june will be simply wonderful.

I cannot wait for June to arrive. June tenth to be more precise. The day when I graduate high school and offically become a college student. I feel like I have waited forever for this moment to come, and it is actually almost here. Graduation will be bittersweet though, because it is an end of a chapter and I know that it's the last gathering of the class of 2011, all at once, one last time. Many of us will never see each other again. We will hear about someone getting married to their highschool sweetheart, having a baby, or maybe a more negative situation but we will pray that dosn't happen. This is the last time we're one student body, we all have to go our seperate ways now. Make a life for ourselves, the life that God intended for each one of us to find.
Knowing that we are about to step out of the nest though is what makes graduation so exciting and happy. We get to venture away from our parents protective wings and see if we can handle all the challenges and awesome adventures that the world will throw at us. It's no longer you and your bestfriends, or you and you boyfriend, it's just you. We will be the ones waking ourselves up in sweet anticipation for our "first day of school", the ones yelling at our roomate to hurry up and get ready because we can't wait to attend our first college party, the ones that nervously await the first test in a college setting, the ones who grow in our faith, the ones who figure out what we want to do in this society, the ones who find their best friends, the ones who meet the person who turns their life upside down, or maybe just being the one who realizes they've been the one there all along.
Regardless of what moments we live out in our future one thing is for sure; we are the class of 2011 and we are "the ones." We lived out experiences that shaped our lives, and will forever be with us. We had the preparation for the phenomenal next chapter in our lives. We stood together and lifted each other up through the good times and the bad. There may have been situations where we didn't see eye to eye but in the end everything always worked out. Now, on June 10th we get to start this amazing journey and I can't wait to see what it has in store for each and every one of us.

Can you tell I have graduation on the brain :)